Saturday 12 March 2011


This project has been challenging and fast paced, although difficult at times refreshing and gaining knowledge in print processes has been invaluable. Learning new skills in the documentation of this project has been the one factor I will take away from this journey as I have had no prior interest in blogging. Trying to achieve the darkness in  The product itself was a challenge to develop as it was not a client/market I was familiar so research was an important factor also sticking concisely to the brief has meant I have ticked all the key areas to tie the product to the darkness. The product worked well in its environment when photographed and coincides with other products on the market although because of its nature and material stood out against its perspects counterparts. Moreover the poster design for ideas for branding and advertising using the product as a key element worked well to make the product eye catching using the golden section to do this.
If I did this project again I would spend more time in the experimental phase as this area of the project is where I gained most of my ideas and things really fell into place. Overall this project has help me to develop and use print ideas and has developed my confidence in these areas, my outcomes have been enjoyable and I have learned the auto graphic processes add character and feeling to outcomes .

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