Wednesday 19 January 2011

Artist Research

 Pierre R. Renoir Dry point

Renoir born 1958 Monaco, worked on mainly metal using mainly Dry point techniques to develop very detailed portraits using line techniques and different strokes to create tonal qualities in the work.

As Dry point is a basic printing technique it is interesting to see technical involved method of using the idea. This shows an interesting way to show line use and varied stokes allows the implication of tone, shadow and basic perspective.

Mick Armson Lino Print

 Mick Armstrong studied at Liverpool polytechnic and works as a freelance illustrator.  Armson has a passion for printmaking to coastal and urban landscapes aiming to convey a sense of movement through a moment in time.
The detailed line work and use of interesting colour draws the viewer in heavy line work is use to catch the eye in my opinion.
I enjoy the way the image allows you to almost move through the artwork with the use of perspective and also flowing lines.

Dan McCarthy Screen Print

The interesting use of bright colour and in depth meaning within McCarthy's really draws me in. Using simple screen printing techniques in really interesting way McCarthy can put the his message across in a striking manner.
Using the colours simple shapes and bold lines is an effective way to develop the semiotic ideas I wish to use within my symbol for this project.

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